Testimonials of FiveGate Graduates who recovered from ADD, ADHD, OCB, PTSD, Heroine, Social Disorder, Bipolar Depression, Anxiety Disorders, Depression Disorders, Cocaine Addictions

Each of these testimonials was taken from real Five Gates Training graduates. At the time they were given, our clients had completed the training anywhere from a few days to a few years earlier, mostly the later. Although the road to wellness is sometimes not simple or direct, over 80% of our graduates retain a major life-shaping benefit.

These patients were addicted to ADD, ADHD, OCB, PTSD, Heroine, Social Disorder, Bipolar Depression, Anxiety Disorders, Depression Disorders, Cocaine Addictions and much more…

We are very grateful that these people have given up their privacy so that you can know how this wonderful program has worked for them.

Click on the pictures of the graduates for the testimonial.

Aside from the countless successful Five Gates Graduates, many other professionals who have seen the program in action speak very highly of it.


ADD is a result of an injury but the injury in my experience is purely psychological. Testimonials of FiveGate Graduates who recovered from ADD, ADHD, OCB, PTSD, Heroine, Social Disorder, Bipolar Depression, Anxiety Disorders, Depression Disorders, Cocaine Addictions Patients who recovered from various Psychological Disorders and Mental Illness. The Five Gates Program is a form of Cognitive or Person Centered Psychotherapy.


Five Gates Recovery Treatment Program by Rabbi Dr. Lynn Kesselman is an amalgamation of Client Centered Therapy, Cognitive Therapy and Psychoanalysis.
Carl Rogers & Lynn Kesselman’s Non-Directive Approach to Therapy The Psychoanalytic Approach to Psychology Sigmund Freud and Lynn Kesselman’s Psychoanalytic Approach to Psychology Five Gates works on the fundamentals of Cognitive Psychology

Anxiety is the “Mother” of all Psychological Problems…
What is Anxiety Disorder?. Five Gates Recovery Treatment Program can HELP you with Anxiety Disorder What is Depression all about? How can I come out of Depression? Who can help me with my Depression? Does Five Gates Recovery Treatment Program Help with Depression? What is Depression all about? How can I come out of Depression? Five Gates Recovery Treatment Program can HELP you with Addictions

Powerful Effective Five Gates Recovery Treatment Program for Generalized Anxiety Disorder Five Gates Recovery Treatment Program is effective and powerful for Bipolar Disorder Powerful Effective Recovery Treatment Program for Low Self Esteem problems

Will Five Gates Recovery Program help me recover from Social Phobia? Treatment Recovery Program for Avoidance Personality Disorder Understanding and Overcoming Dependent Personality Disorder?”

Statements by Top Doctors, Authors and Psychiatrists
The Five Gates are the Gates to happiness Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski Gate by Gate one progresses from illness, confusion and fear to clarityMax A. Schneider, M.D. FASMA Gates (steps) are powerful transformational tools for recovery. – Jokichi Takamine, M.D.

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