Supplemental Resources
People learn in many different ways, some have difficulty learning from websites and require a physical book in their hand to learn or prefer an audio tape. As such we provide, at cost, other versions of the Five Gates program available for you directly from our website.
Psychodynamic Programs by Lynn Kesselman
Books and Training Materials / Audio Programs & Seminars / Online Counseling / Webinars
Click on the Images for more information on each product
Price: $12.95
With this training manual you can take yourself through the psychodynamic journey of self healing in less than one week.
Price: $12.95
The most clear and complete recovery manual for 12-step recovery.
Price: $39.95
The Five Gates Program on 3 CDs, includes workbook. (Soon to be available, but you may pre-order here).
Price: $44.95
By both products and receive an $8.00 discount.
Price: $44.95
By both products and receive an $8.00 discount.